
Day 26 Missouri

We left colorful Colorado for windy Kansas and stopped in Rainy Missouri I would say that was an adventure. We had be riding most of the day and missing the rain but we finally caught up to it and it hasn't stopped since we got here. (As Bernie would say only 50 more miles) it was a 580 mile day.We also got to see another waterfall.

Day 25 Denver Colorado

We drove 8 hours today to make it to Denver. Lulu will be getting on a plane tomorrow to head home. We will be riding the rest of the way.

Salt flats in Utah

We got a little break in the rain and I mean a little break. We stopped at the scenic overlook and it wasn't raining but it started raining before we pulled back out . We were able to get a few pics that weren't taken riding down the road.

On the road again

We got on the road today around 10:30 after Bernie got his new tires. We finally got our money worth out of our rain suits because it rained off and on from Richfield Utah to Denver Colorado.

Day 24

We didn't have much of an adventure today. We rode from Salina Utah 30 miles down the road to Richfield Utah to meet up with Bernie and Lulu. We did stop and seen an historical marker. The oldest jail and lime kiln.

Day 23 Adventure

Well what can I say . Since Dale and I had to take our bike to get service on it Bernie and Lulu didn't want to get left out. We pulled I for a potty break ( lol) and got gas but when we were getting ready to leave Bernie realized his front tire was flat. They had to out do us by having the tow truck come and get them. I think they just needed a break from riding for the day . Nobody needs to worry we have been safe that is why the tow truck was called in because it was over 89 miles to the Honda place to get it fixed.